It's Time to Build in Public

After being a part-time independent developer for one year, I decided to adopt the Build in Public approach to develop my own products, By publicly sharing the development process, I hope to document my Indie Developerial journey and inspire other aspiring entrepreneurs.
What Is Building in Public (BIP)?
I think there is no exact definition of Build in Public. Based on my understanding, Build in Public refers to an intentional practice of sharing the story or process of your creation with the public.
What Are the Benefits of Building in Public?
Unlike stealth strategy (that avoid public attention and keep all the details in secrecy), BIP are open and transparent about their creation progress.
- 1. Increase Transparency and Gain User Trust: By regularly sharing project progress and key decisions during the development process, users can see the growth process of the product, which enhances their trust in it.
- 2. Obtain Community Feedback to Optimize the Product: Through BIP, we can receive timely feedback from users and the community, helping us identify issues and find ways to improve. User needs and suggestions are critical for product iteration.
- 3. Build a Personal Brand and Increase Exposure: Publicly developing a product helps to build a personal brand and allows more people to learn about and pay attention to your product. This not only aids in product promotion but also attracts potential investors and partners.
- 4. Document and Share the Entrepreneurial Journey to Inspire Others: Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey. By documenting and sharing my experiences and lessons, I can provide reference and inspiration for other entrepreneurs, encouraging more people to pursue their dreams.
Why I Choose to Build in Public?
This mouth I launched a project, Amazing Endemic Species, and received 7 stars, some feedback and thousands of vistors. My previous projects I published never received more than 5 stars, the reason I guessed is that I never propagated them in public before. Thus, I think sharing projects would help enhance the promotion of the projects.
Moreover, Now I have a plan to develop some new projucts, which give me a good chance to sharing project progress regularly, and enough time to process the feedbacks from users and community. I really expected to interact with users and dicuss about my products.
In terms of building a personal brand, I don't expect too much. My main goal is to attract more users' attention to my products rather than focusing on my personal life.
At last, I believe that documenting and sharing the journey of being a solo maker is a good way to connect with my products users and other entrepreners.